Applying sound science and innovative technology to maximize your return on investment.

Effective clean-up and remediation of contaminated sites is critical to ongoing business success and to the overall health of our communities and the environment. With limited resources and funding constraints, today’s environmental manager is challenged to create greater value by doing more with less. 

At GES, we carefully consider site-specific conditions, regulatory requirements, stakeholder issues, and your business objectives to implement a right-sized approach to your remediation project. We have extensive experience designing and constructing diverse systems for the remediation of environmental media including soil, groundwater, sediment, sludge, soil, gas, and surface water. 

We manage projects from remedial selection, planning and design through construction to system commissioning. Following startup, we deliver operation, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) services that efficiently steward your project to eventual decommissioning and site closure. 

This drive toward the optimal exit strategy while seeking opportunities for innovation, efficiencies, and continuous improvement has returned value to our clients.