Design and Construction Issues at Hazardous Waste Sites (DCHWS) East

GES will be attending the DCHWS East show and our very own Heather Kilts, PE, Senior Engineer will be presenting: "Limited Bedrock Injection Volume Nets Substantial Concentration Reductions"
Friday April 12, 2024, Panel 6 – In-situ Remediation Case Studies – Part II (10:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
Heather Kilts ( (Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc., Exton, PA, USA) Denise Good (, Stephanie Grillo ( and Fayaz Lakhwala ( (Evonik, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
Background/Objectives. This former central Pennsylvania manufacturing facility, now used for apartments, school, and offices, was impacted by chlorinated solvents from several potential source areas. Bedrock across the site is shallow and DNAPL likely drained through overburden into the fractured rock. A groundwater pump and treat system has been providing hydraulic control since 1995. The project objectives were to evaluate site status, update the conceptual site model (CSM), and interface with regulators to develop an achievable path forward and reduce off-site migration. Primary constituents of concern (COCs) present in groundwater include trichloroethylene (TCE) and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA).
Bio: Heather Kilts is a Principal Engineer for Groundwater & Environmental Services, based out of the Exton, PA office. A Cornell University graduate, Heather has been with GES for 19 years. She serves as both a Regional Engineering Manager and Project Manager on several large remediation sites in the Philadelphia area, including Superfund sites and Federal government facilities. Heather has led the remediation design and implementation on a wide range of projects including manufacturing facilities, landfills, retail petroleum properties, and petroleum pipeline and terminal facilities. She is a licensed professional engineer in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey.