Margaret Forbes Expert Wetlands Designer
GES’ Margaret Forbes, PhD, EIT, PWS is a Principal Environmental Scientist with over 20 years of experience managing and performing a variety of environmental projects. Margaret is nationally recognized for her expertise in designing wetlands for treatment of wastewater and stormwater, and she is an experienced field ecologist. She is a Rosgen-trained stream designer (Levels I-IV) and has designed several stream systems using natural stream-channel design methods. Margaret is the author of numerous publications and has made presentations to the scientific community, general public, and educators.
Her project experience includes stream assessment, design, restoration, and management; wetland design and functional assessments; waters of the US delineation and permitting; ecological risk assessments; protected species surveys and habitat assessments; applied environmental chemistry; and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation.
Margaret’s experience and training as a stream designer position her (and GES) favorably for projects that involve a complex natural stream design component. Regulatory agencies, such as the US Army Corps of Engineers, require specific evidence of appropriate training and experience for consultants named as “Stream Designer” for the approval of mitigation plans for major stream restoration projects and stream mitigation banks. Margaret’s unique skills in designing wetlands and other natural systems to treat wastewater and stormwater are also valuable assets that GES can provide to industrial and municipal clients.
Margaret is also an avid, accomplished soccer player and has played in tournaments worldwide. In her spare time, she is an Adjunct Professor at Stephen F. Austin University, where she teaches Environmental Sustainability.
If you have a project or client in need of these specialty services, please reach out to Margaret. She is based out of GES’ Metropolitan Dallas, TX office and can be reached at 800-871-6417 x3406 or by email at